Saturday, July 10, 2010

Nash is here

Of course you always want to try and look your best through delivery so I fixed my hair late Thursday night. When Dad,Mom,Jamie,Jeanine and Leilynn got to town on Thursday,they came to see us at the hospital.

Nash was born July 2 at 7:22 he weighed 8lbs 2oz and 22 inches long. My delivery started on Thursday July 1st. My cervix was not soft and so I was started on meds to get it soft for being induced on friday. started the induction at 6am I progressed throughout the day and my water broke at 10am and I was about 4cm but he was still really high so they had me turn and laying all different ways to get him to come down.I got my epidural around 11 it didn't hurt all. I was checked at 4pm and I was 8cm and checked again at 5:30 and was almost to 9cm. My doctor came around 6pm and checked me and I was still 8-9cm she said my cervix was starting to swell and he still wasn't coming this point she didnt give much of a chance of him coming down and me pushing him out. she would give me 2 more hours to see if he would but at 8 we would have to do a C-Section. She gave us time to talk it over. I was upset bc I didn't want a c-section.She came back at 7 and checked me and I had gone back to 8cm so we decided to go with the c-section. God Is always in control,The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck twice.We are so thankful and blessed God spared him from the trama that could of happened trying to push him out.We are in amazement. He is perfect and we love him so much!

1 comment:

  1. That is so like you to be curling your hair in the hospital. You were the best looking woman in labor!
